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Tri-View Metropolitan

Over the years there has been confusion on the responsibilities of Jackson Creek Filing #5 versus what TriView is responsible for. The HOA doesn’t own any property. Paiute Park, the roads, the trails, road islands, the areas along the streets and all the gray areas on the map (next page) are all TriView’s property. There is an elected board of directors that operates TriView and all the areas afore mentioned are under the maintenance of them. The HOA has no jurisdiction over TriView’s areas and all concerns must go to TriView 719-488-6868.

I recently called TriView Metro and they suggested I go onto the website, www.colorado.gov/triviewmetro, and I did. When I went on I found lots of good information. The District Policies have policies on how they handle their maintenance. For example, under the Winter Street Standard they give information on which sidewalks that they do snow removal on and how they handle the plowing in a major snow storm. One of the issues we talked about at the annual meeting was snow removal for a common mailbox. That is answered in the policy below:

 Mailbox Areas – Where a common mailbox is on the sidewalk of a residential street, it is the responsibility of the homeowner whose property is adjacent to that sidewalk to shovel the snow at that mailbox. This is keeping in compliance with the Town of Monument of Ordinance 02-2012,1. 2-6-12. Where a common mailbox is located in a district maintained area, for example at a park, District Personnel will clear the snow from the sidewalk areas adjacent to these mailboxes.

Every year homeowners call in to ask the HOA to plow the streets or concerns of the lack of plowing. That is all TriView’s maintenance and the policy also states which streets will be plowed and the way they handle the different depths of snow. I have received many calls on why they only plow the center lane and push the snow into the driveway. Both of these questions are answered on their website.

They also have a frequently ask question section. If you have concerns please take a moment to read their policies. 

 TriView Metro District
Phone: (719) 488-6868
E-mail: info@triviewmetro.com
Address: Triview Metropolitan District
16055 Old Forest Point, Suite 302
Monument, Colorado 80132